Integral Planning
for Construction Projects

Our sustainable

One-stop shop for integrated planning

We have made it our mission to create the ideal foundation for constructing and inhabiting sustainable buildings. Our approach combines extensive planning competence and operative expertise with innovative modern methodologies for cost estimation, planning and coordination (building information modelling, or BIM, and LEAN Management). These tools enable us to implement your construction scheme with maximum efficiency – guaranteed!


At pde, we will develop your building plans into a resource-friendly, energy-saving design and look forward to working with you from the beginning of the project right through to completion.

Managing Director Klaus Gruber in the meeting room

Integrated project management

We are happy to work with you over the whole of the project cycle, or just for specific project phases where you need our support. With pde, you can be sure of a partner who will support you with professional expertise founded on a wealth of experience – and a partner confident in working with technically and architecturally complex or time-critical intricate construction projects.

We believe that integrated planning must be based on efficient, seamless communication and data exchange between everyone involved. This is achieved through a balanced synthesis of our main fields of expertise:

Female team member working with laptop in office

Integrated planning in practice

We’ll be delighted to jump in to your project at any stage, whether you’re still sketching ideas on the drawing board, busy fine-tuning detailed designs, or even have the building permit already on the table – and we’ll work with you until your building is successfully operating.

Why not take a look at the variety of projects we’ve completed? It’s a fascinating mix of ultra-modern industrial plants, multipurpose buildings, sustainable school campuses … and much more!


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