
Media owner

pde Integrale Planung GmbH
Absberggasse 47
1100 Wien
T +43 50 626-0
F +43 50 626-1111

Commercial Register: FN 381051w

Company headquarters: Wien, Austria
Company Register Court:  Handelsgericht Wien
Sales Tax Nr.: ATU 67274558
Member at: WKO Wien, Landesinnung Bau.
Applicable Law: Gewerbeordnung:
Employer Number: 301875796

Webdesign, Concept and Website Realisation

prettylogic multimedia GmbH
Eggerthgasse 9
1060 Wien

Subject of enterprise.

General purpose of the medium

It primarily publishes content relating to pde Integrale Planung GmbH.

Management bodies

Executive Board

pde Integrale Planung GmbH
Markus Strobl
Clemens Neubauer
Christian Hochleitner

pde Integrale Planung GmbH, Germany
Daniel Weisiele
Fabian Kirchner

Downloads - Terms of Use

Materials available in the download section may freely be used for editorial reporting purposes, exclusively with regard to the projects and topics of PORR. Please cite the copyright holder. All other usage except for the purposes mentioned above is permitted only with the express written consent of PORR Design & Engineering. The user indemnifies and releases PORR from any possible claims which may be brought against PORR as a result of any usage of this material outside of these specifications.  Publication of this material must include clear citation of the original source, as specified in the visual/video information, in such a way as to permit clear attribution to the published image or video.

Gender-Specific Terminology (gender stipulation)

We value gender equality highly, and we endeavour to represent this in all our texts. However, in the interests of improved readability, in certain places we have refrained from the simultaneous use of feminine and masculine job titles and pronouns. However even in these instances, both genders are referred to and addressed equally.

Image Credits

HOME: beide Fotos: pde/astrid knie; Projektfotos: siehe Projekte
ABOUT US: Fotos Torsten Haubold Mitarbeiterfotos, Detailfoto Zalando: Linus Lintner; Berresgasse: PORR
SERVICES: pde / astrid knie
SUSTAINABILITY: pde / astrid knie
LEAN: Slider, Foto 1, LEAN Design: Foto mit Hand: pde / astrid knie;
P3 Innsbruck: Visualisierung: Heinlein & Zierl
Berresgasse: PORR
Qubes: Visualizations: ROSA-ALSCHER Gruppe
"Wohnen am Nockherberg Mitte", View of inner courtyard: Bayerische Hausbau
Wohnanlage Neumarien: Linus Lintner; Outdoor facilities plan: Stefan Wallmann, Landschaftsarchitekten Berlin,
Campus Zalando: Linus Lintner
BMW Salzburg: Fotos: BMW Group
Office Park 4: Clarissa Höbinger M.A. / FWAG
Forestry Training Center Traunkirchen: fotokressl; Slider 4 und 5: Hinterwirth Architekten ZT
HBLFA Tyrol: Ronald Zecha
Wien Museum: pde/Diebalek
QBC: Visualisierungen: ZOOM VP; QBC 3: AnnA BlaU; QBC 5: Michael Nagl
RaiffeisenCorner St.Pölten: Raiffeisen
LeopoldQuartier: Header image: HNP Architects; Abbildung 2: UBM Development
Messe Erfurt: Messe Erfurt
Sapphire Berlin: Slider: images: Jan Bitter; visualisation: pure rendering GmbH
CAREERS: pde / astrid knie
JOB OVERVIEW: pde / astrid knie
NEWS Header image: Linus Lintner
News MCI: MCI Innsbruck
News Mayr Melnhof: Visualizations: arnico planung+consulting; Spatenstich: Morgenstern
News FAIR Particle accelerator: Cover picture (Luftaufnahme): PORR/Jens Frank
News BIM Pilot project in rail construction: Visualisierung Übersicht Bahnhof: ÖBB/Architekt DI Florian Kopetzky
News Architectural competition MCI: Visualizations: Henning Larsen
CONTACT: pde / astrid knie

Other photos: pde and
Icons made by “Freepik”, found on

  • Health
  • Continuing education
  • Work Life
  • Advantages


The pde Integrale Planung GmbH takes great care in collecting the data offered on this website. The information offered on this website is constantly checked and updated without prior notice. Nevertheless, data may have changed in the meantime. The pde Integrale Planung GmbH takes over no guarantee or warranty for topicality, correctness and completeness of this information. In no case is it liable for direct, concrete damages or consequential damages or other damages of any kind, which arise for whatever reason in connection with the indirect or direct use of the information provided on this website. This also applies to all other websites referred to by hyperlink.

Status:  17. January 2024