M&E Planning

Nowadays, mechanical and electrical engineering (M&E) is coming to represent an increasingly significant share of the overall construction costs in a project. This is due partly to the general trend towards more environmentally friendly buildings and correspondingly high demands for sustainability, energy efficiency and smart building management. The various elements must all be perfectly tuned, while also taking into account specified standards and guidelines – and, of course, it’s important to make sure that the measures incorporated in the scheme are actually economically effective.


In parallel with this, there is an increasing focus on user convenience. Here at pde, we apply dedication and passion to the task of uniting these trends into effective M&E planning, combining building, operating and supply technologies into an efficient, holistic plan. Our experienced team can plan your mechanical and electrical engineering from scratch, or work from your existing M&E plans. Our integrated BIM-based approach facilitates interdisciplinary teamwork at all levels, thus ensuring that individual requirements and diverse needs for the M&E can be given detailed consideration right from the start.

Mechanical & electrical engineering in building construction

Save energy, save costs

The advantages of incorporating M&E into your plans at an early stage are clear: it’s the best way to save time, costs and resources over the long term. We achieve this thanks to close cooperation with other specialist planners from our architecture, sustainability and building physics divisions. Of course, our BIM-based interdisciplinary working method is also very important to our excellent results.


All our specialist departments work together on the same digital building information model. Consequently, even at the planning stage we can generate a precise, detailed preview of how the project will look when implemented, and thus plan the M&E accurately to meet your requirements profile to the full.

Your one-stop shop for mechanical and electrical engineering: we offer our clients the following M&E planning services:

  • Planning for all technical subsections of the mechanical and electrical engineering: heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC), plumbing, electrics and building automation
  • Value engineering: identify and exploit potential for optimisation
  • BIM-based planning techniques
  • Development of the BIM data model for building operation
Visualization of a model

Are you interested in learning more about our M&E services?

Get in touch!