Building Information Modeling

BIM, or building information modelling, is the construction industry’s response to the digital transformation. The term stands for a revolutionary working technique that optimises the entire process chain for planning and constructing a building and that creates transparency, reliability and efficiency. Teams working on a BIM model can collaborate at any time, from anywhere – no more complicated meeting schedules – and data is shared seamlessly through the entire planning process.



A further advantage of this process is that we can predict exactly when materials will be needed, and accurately estimate the repercussions of any particular change to the plans. As an integrated planning enterprise, we have long understood the benefits of BIM and have been making effective use of BIM techniques in construction projects for many years..

BIM Case Study Industry

Digital twin of the ‘New Court’ office complex in Berlin

Virtual tour of the new BMW office building in Freimann, Munich

BIM in the project lifecycle

Core of the digital construction revolution: the building data model

BIM stands for ‘building information modelling’: a digital, integrated method for managing construction projects. What it really stands for, though, is faster, more productive, more efficient planning and execution. All the architectural, technical, structural and functional construction data is combined and visualised in the digital model, creating a “digital twin”: the BIM model. This data provides a basis for the experts from the different disciplines to work together as a team, creating an integrated model of the building’s entire lifecycle in every detail.

Everyone involved in the project can access the BIM model any time, from anywhere. The model is not just for cost estimation and construction scheduling – it’s also used by the execution teams, for the interior finish, marketing the property and even for facility management and maintenance. In other words, almost every stage of the project lifecycle is integrated into the overall picture.

Benefits of building information modelling


01On Schedule




Everyone involved in the project has the same information available at all times, which means decision-making processes are much faster and delays can be avoided.

Transparent scheduling cuts down on idle times and also helps avoid supply bottlenecks.

Everyone involved in the project collaborates closely and effectively on the BIM model – with flexible access wherever they are.

The BIM model can also be used to simulate the effects of potential construction optimisations – for example, on the budget. This makes cost estimation very accurate.

Another benefit: the model helps avoid planning errors, thanks to the standardised processes and early identification of potential for optimisation or improvement during a stage. The result: better quality!


Are you interested in learning more about the digital working techniques of the future?

Get in touch with our expert


Clemens Neubauer

E-Mail +43 50 6260
BIM expert Clemens Neubauer