Timber construction is often seen as complicated and expensive - but it doesn't have to be. Our experts experience in their day-to-day work that a bold and well thought-out planning approach has exactly the opposite effect.
Why hide what is load-bearing?
Load-bearing elements such as columns and beams are an essential part of the construction - so why not leave them visible? Wood offers the wonderful opportunity to show its natural structure. Knots, connectors and layers tell a story and create durability and value. And future residents appreciate it when the form and function of their home is clearly recognisable.
© Fritz Hanisch
Timber construction is economical
Stacked timber construction is particularly efficient: By repeating simple constructions - such as ceiling and wall elements - the load-bearing structure is optimally utilised. Less additional material means lower costs and a better carbon footprint.
Courage with maximum safety
Today, modern fasteners enable impressive cantilevers, i.e. self-supporting components that appear weightless - and still hold securely.
Timber construction is therefore not complicated or expensive - it just requires bold, functional and aesthetic planning.